Hello, March.

So we meet again, in the cold of winter with the hope for spring.

So what do you have in store for me? Do you think we will conquer some big dreams this month, or just the little ones?

February brought me more friendships, a blog post that a lot of my friends liked, it also brought babysitting on Valentines day- in other words, February reminded me that I am still young and single. *booyah*!

(Fun fact: Booyah is a stew from Belgium.)

So what’s on the agenda? School, Writing, Music performances (two, I think),  Going to a concert (Jamie Grace, ya’ll! And others, too!),Hopefully going to put in some (or lots) of hours volunteering (because I like to think I am a good person 😉 ), and most importantly I am wanting to do a lot more bible studying!
(There is  more, but nothing that is blog worthy. 🙂 )

I am *hopefully* going to blog more in March! So if you have any suggestions on blog post ideas let me know. I am trying to get a little bit of a set schedule of blogging.

So thanks lovelies!

(Lovelies looks like: Love Lies…um…okay.)

So here’s to March. Cheers! *Clinking of glasses*